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Exclusive Services

AquaTerra provides services to a wide range of clients engaged in planning and land development activities.  Typical clients include:  engineers, surveyors, architects, developers and builders, farmers, industry, aggregate mining, municipalities, HOA’s, and individual landowners. 


AquaTerra has prequalification from the Indiana Department of Transportation (INDOT) for wetland delineations and waterways permitting and can provide quick wetland delineations for off-site borrow or disposal sites to satisfy INDOT requirements for IC 203


AquaTerra is licensed through the Office of the Indiana State Chemist to apply herbicides to aquatic sites and can help control invasive species in ponds, wetlands, stormwater BMP structures, and in mitigation sites.


AquaTerra is a MSHA registered contractor for work in aggregate mines and quarries.

Wetland Reconnaissance

Review of existing information and site visit to determine if wetland conditions or other likely regulated waters exist on a site.  Good tool for early site planning and decision-making.  Generally quick and cost effective.


Wetland Delineation

Identify wetland boundaries and limits of jurisdiction of “waters of the United States” and/or “isolated wetlands”, according to the procedures of the US Army Corps of Engineers 1987 Wetland Delineation Manual.  Includes flagging and GPS mapping of any wetland boundaries, Corps Data Sheets, and report with a jurisdictional recommendation.


Jurisdictional Determination

Submit Wetland Delineation Report to agencies requesting jurisdictional concurrence.  Coordinate with agencies during their review.

  • US Army Corp of Engineers- Concurrence for “waters of the United States” determinations.

  • IDEM-  Concurrence for “waters of the State” determinations for “isolated wetlands”.  Includes wetland Class designation and acknowledgement of applicable exemptions.


Site Design Coordination

Consult with planners/engineers during site layout/design phases to avoid or minimize wetland permit requirements.

Other Services

  • USDA (Swampbuster) Wetland Determinations and Appeals on farm ground

  • Natural Area/Habitat Restoration

  • Habitat Assessments

    • Federally listed bats

    • IDNR floodway permits

  • Stormwater Compliance



Prepare permit application documents for US Army Corps of Engineers and Indiana Department of Environmental Management.  Coordinate with agencies during permit review.


Mitigation Planning

Development of compensatory wetland or stream mitigation plans for submittal with permit applications.


Mitigation Monitoring

Conduct annual monitoring and maintenance of mitigation sites as required by permits.

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Get in Touch

To receive a free estimate, send an email to with a description of your project and a map or aerial photo of your site.  Be sure to include a location description with county, address, or nearby road intersection.

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